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Angel TV Series 1999–2004 IMDb ~ Created by David Greenwalt Joss Whedon With David Boreanaz Charisma Carpenter Alexis Denisof J August Richards The vampire Angel cursed with a soul moves to Los Angeles and aids people with supernaturalrelated problems while questing for his own redemption
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Angel Definition of Angel at ~ Angel definition one of a class of spiritual beings a celestial attendant of God In medieval angelology angels constituted the lowest of the nine celestial orders seraphim cherubim thrones dominations or dominions virtues powers principalities or princedoms archangels and angels See more
Angel definition of angel by The Free Dictionary ~ 3 angels Christianity The last of the nine orders of angels in medieval angelology From the highest to the lowest in rank the orders are seraphim cherubim thrones dominations or dominions virtues powers principalities archangels and angels
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Nigel Wikipedia ~ Nigel ˈ n aɪ dʒ əl is an English masculine given name The English Nigel is commonly found in records dating from the Middle Ages however it was not used much before being revived by 19thcentury instance Sir Walter Scott published The Fortunes of Nigel in 1822 and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle published Sir Nigel in 1905–06 Nigel was a common name for boys born in
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