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DPx Gear Inc ~ DPx Gear Inc has released two limited run tenth anniversary knife models the DPx HEST 6 Decade and the DPx Aculus Flipper DPx DECADE The fixed blade combative knife the DPx HEST 6 Decade is available in 100 numbered units and features hollow Micarta™ scales and Bohler M390 blade steel
DPx HESTF Urban DPx Gear Inc ~ Designed by Robert Young Pelton for DPx Gear the DPx HESTF Urban is the last pocket knife youll need for every day carry Small light and featurepacked it’s just as at home in your jeans as it is in the tackle box
DPx Gear HEATF Review ~ You may recall a review done on the HEST back in 2012 This was DPx’s first effort and is the knife that put them on the map The HEST is a solid tool and is well made but there was a lot going on in terms of integrating various multitool features
DPx Gear HESTF Urban Review ~ The HESTF Urban is different from the other folders in that it is their first folder 100 made in the USA Some may remember that DPx ran a Kickstarter campaign for this knife back in 2015 The Kickstarter campaign was a success and the knife has since made it’s way into production
DPx Gear HEST 20 Right Handed Folder 325 D2 Black Plain ~ The HESTF features a rapid deployment system that combines a patented RotoBlock system that actually locks the folder into a fixed blade The HEST was immediately sold out in both first run and production versions and put to work around the globe
DPx Gear for Sale Authorized Dealer ~ DPx Gear builds not just a sharp edge tool but a tool built to help you survive the harshest places on Earth From toughasnails folders such as the HEST or HEAT to nofrills fixed blades like the Assault Series DPx Gear is a name you can trust when youre out in the wild
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