Thursday, September 5, 2019

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ROBOTRx from McKesson April 2012 PPP Mag ~ ROBOTRx as part of a facilitywide automation project to implement bar code scanning from the point of medication receipt through administration Prior to 2008 Mercy used a manual filling process for all medications and performed a cart fill three times a week

Aesynt RobotRx Products and Services Mazree ~ Aesynt’s ROBOTRx® is the automated medication dispensing solution that establishes the barcode foundation for barcode medication administration Managing 90 percent or more of a hospital’s daily medication volume ROBOTRx helps to prevent medication errors reduce pharmacy labor and lower drug inventory

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Meet ROBOTRx The Robot Pharmacist Doling Out 350 Million ~ Meet ROBOTRx the automated medication dispensing system Made by medical technologies supplier McKesson Corp ROBOTRx is like the vending machine of the future except it hands out drugs instead of candybars

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